Archive | December 2012

Soar Like an Eagle or a Kite

where the eagles soarThere are sweet moments when I locate the cracks in the walls of your heart.
I hide there in safety and comfort of the real love I find there, only to be ripped out suddenly like a theif in the night and cast into a roadside ditch
like a disease being purged from the earth.  Left for dead it seems, still I rise up again and again and like a butterfly, I fly back into your arms showing you that I am yours to keep.

I feel that you believe my love is there to change you in some way.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  For you see, my love, changing you would be no good for either of us.  No, my true desires for you, for us, is to simply break away the walls that are holding you captive; to liberate your true self and set it free, to set us free.

It is the eyes that are the window to the soul, my love.  It is there, through this window that I look in and see a scared little child.  This child is crying, alone and scared.  He wants to be held, loved, cared for, but he is scared of being caught trying to escape.  He is scared of his rescuer being caught in an attempt to liberate him.

This child wants to break free from what he believes are unbreakable chains.  He wants to climb up from the cold, dark, wet catacombs of the dungeon and feel the warmth of light and love all around him.  Yet, this dungeon and these chains are all he has ever known.  So there in this place, he is also scared of the unknown of what lies outside.

I wish to assure you that nothing but love, beauty, peace, comfort and serenity are what awaits you.  I know, I have seen this too, during the moments
that I have hid in the cracks of the walls to your heart.  When I find that place for a moment in time, the cold is turned to warmth, the dark to light and
the wet to dry.  Fear and uncertainty give way to love and strength.  You, no we, are able to rise above everything and soar through the air like Eagles, majestic and untouchable when we meet in these cracks together.  Think of what we could accomplish together if there were no walls, no cracks but simply pure openess and light.

We often speak of blocks to our paths; how to move them, how to erase all the obstacles that lie in the way.  Then I remember a passage from the Bible that says, “With the faith of a mustard seed, you can command a mountain to move and it will move.”  I remember the lesson that has been with me throughout eternity – ” Love conquers all”.

So now I wish to impart to you a thought for your open conteplation as well as a challenge.

What if the only blocks, the only obstacles we have in our lives are these chains, this dungeon, and brick walls that only we have created through our own
fears and through the fears of others that we have allowed to reside with us in this self created dungeon?

What if we command these obstacles to be gone and they leave?  Would you soar like an Eagle or would you allow fear to keep you tethered to the cold, dark dungeon like a kite?

As children, we love kites.  They give the illusion of flying freely.  However, in our fears of losing it, we keep it tethered to us on a string so that we can control it and manipulate it; make it go where we wish and as high or low as we wish.  We can reign it in whenever we choose.  Now, I have no desires for such childish things.  I prefer to watch the birds soar truly free about the skies.  I know that I will never lose them, they were never mine to keep.  But the memories I get from taking mental flights with them in my mind are! They are always there everyday, singing songs, and living as free as only my heart is
allowed.  They spread their wings and fly over every obstacle.  There is nothing it seems that they can’t rise above and move way beyond.

Now the choice is yours:  to soar like an Eagle or remain a kite, tethered to your fears and the fears of others that hold you chained to the dungeon that your soul cries to be free from.

The Challenge-  Find the faith of a small mustard seed in yourself, in me, in US together.  All chains can be broken if you have the right tool.  Love is that
tool.  Take my hand, allow me to pull you out of the dungeon, through the cracks.  Then let’s use this love and our faith to break away those dungeon
walls forever, never to be rebuilt again.

Fly freely with me over all the obstacles of this world, over the sun, through the cosmos of all eternity!

(Excerpt from “Love Speaks Softly” an upcoming book by author C. Michelle Gonzalez  excerpt copyrited [not the image])

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May you live consciously in love and peace, Always